Sliotars Dating back to the 12th Century


These Sliotars above are from a new exhibit Hair hurling balls: Earliest artefacts of our national game, at  National Museum of Ireland – Country Life in Castlebar. The earliest was made in the second half of the twelfth century.

The balls are made from matted cow hair with a plaited horsehair covering.  The National Museum of Ireland claim there is a link between the name 'sliotar' and the Irish word ‘liotar’, meaning ‘hair’.


Via Meath Chronicle and Nótaí Imill

A photographer who worked on O'Connell Bridge for 50 years

Man on Bridge is an interactive documentary about Arthur Fields, a Dublin based street photographer who captured an estimated 182,500 photos of passersby on O’Connell Bridge. Arthur was out in all weather with his camera 365 days a year for 50 years.

El Zorrero Films are producing a web-based documentary that lets people learn about Arthur and allows them to submit their own Arthur Fields photo or Arthur Fields-inspired photo into the online story of the photographer.

It has been entered into the Arthur Guinness Projects and the filmmakers are looking for votes to help them secure funding to complete the project.

3d Model of Dubrovnik Constructed from Flickr Photos

This 3D reconstruction of Dubrovnik, Croatia was made entirely by computers from photos sourced on Flickr. It contains 4,619 images and nearly 3.5 million 3D points.

This project is referenced by Victor Burgin in his keynote presentation at Urban Encounters: The Image of Public Space a seminar at Tate Britain in October 2012. Burgin's talk is at the beginning of the podcast embedded below:

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